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Yingde Gases will Build a Rooftop Solar Power Station – A New Initiative to Promote Green Transformation

Yingde Gases Grouphereinafter referred to as Yingde Gases or the Grouphas reached a partnership agreement with China FV Group (hereinafter referred to as CFV), wherein CFV will build a highly efficient solar power station on the rooftops at Jingmen Yingde Gases – abbreviated as Jingmen Yingde, and will provide comprehensive operation and maintenance services, helping Jingmen Yingde achieve production with green power.

Solar is globally recognized as a green and clean energy source. It is also one of China's primary means of transitioning the national power grid to green, low-carbon energy output.  PV development in China has catapulted in recent years. In the process of transformation of the green gas industry, green power generated by distributed solar photovoltaics has merged with traditional power sources, gradually diminishing carbon emissions from industrial gases.

Since the Chinese government enacted the Carbon Peak, Carbon Neutral policy, the push to migrate industries to green, low-carbon production has become a nationwide movement. With eco-friendly business practice and sustainable development as the core of its corporate strategy, Yingde Gases has proactively expanded operations in hydrogen energy, and just recently completed its own water electrolysis tank specifically for generating hydrogen, the R&D and production for which was conducted entirely in-house. The launch of this new unit has further propelled the group into a full-scale migration to greener industries. At the same time, the group is proactively exploring a new system-wide layout that prioritizes green at every step in the process, from power source to equipment, to the final product, in effect helping the group's downstream clients achieve a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. Going forward, the green power initiative at Jingmen Yingde will be replicated at even more of the group's production and manufacturing centers. 

Now that green-energy development in China has moved into the fast lane, Yingde Gases is preparing to further expand into the green energy sector. By way of conserving energy and reducing emissions, the group is aiming to achieve a 30% reduction in carbon emissions of unit revenue by 2030. 

Yingde Gases Group CEO Steven Fang expressed the following: "Yingde Gases has continued to explore innovative applications for renewable energy, shrink the carbon footprint of corporate activity, and lead the charge for sustainable development, unwavering in our commitment to the full realization of China's 30-60 carbon-peak, carbon neutral goal."
