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New Digitalized Management System Goes Live at Yingde Gases

On January 1st, 2023, following ten months of preparation and system building, Yingde Gases Grouphereinafter referred to as Yingde Gases or the Groupbrought its new SAP-based digitalized system entirely online. The launch and implementation of the digitalized system is not only an important milestone in the A1 Project, it also introduces a completely new digitalized management model to the group's operations, providing greater efficiency for greater performance, opening up new horizons with a digital upgrade. 

The A1 Project is the group's pilot project for raising integrated management standards. The group's distinct traits and accumulated experiences coalesced during the implementation of said project. The project team employed a combination of active involvement from all participants, and synchronized management-innovation. The team dove into the design and building of the A1 system. After completing the five major steps– management consultation, ERP blueprint design, system development, beta testing and UAT training,and activation preparation – the project team successfully completed their mission to bring the A1 system fully online. The A1 system is an extensive and powerful platform built by harnessing information technology to manage all business divisions, and holds great significance for the group's trajectory in IT network construction. 

Following the launch of the A1 Project on February 28th of last year, nearly a hundred of key personnel from across China converged at Shanghai headquarters in spite of a number of challenges – time constraints, heavy workload, scarcity of resources, and the immense scale of the project itself, among others – actively developing the system while working closely with Deloitte & Touche consultants and specialists around the clock to migrate all systems end-to-end and bring more than 120 companies, 9 major business operations, and 10 core business processes online at the same time, an effort that required the compilation and cleaning of nearly two million pieces of data combined. To satisfy the parameters of the group's various workflows / business operations, the project team developed more than 440 new functional programs and more than 1,000 reports, also more than 300 different interfaces have been developed to interconnect various application systems, eliminating pain points associated with business processing, data sharing, and analytical forecasting, establishing a solid foundation upon which to strengthen operational synergies, raise standards of management, and lower operational costs. 

Yingde Gases Group CEO Steven Fang expressed the following: "Under the guidance of the LEAP strategy, we will achieve major breakthroughs in all aspects including large-scale projects, market expansion, mergers and acquisitions, and globalization. The activation of the A1 System provides the group with the digital means to realize integration of business, management and workflows, increasing efficiency in operations and management while improving quality of customer service – a giant step forward in the group's migration to digitalized, intelligent systems. Furthermore, it establishes a new business blueprint: a highly practical, standardized framework for the entire gas industry.”
