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A Large-Scale Gas Hub Constructed by Yingde Gases for National Economic Development Zone

will be Commissioned in 2024

Recently, Fang Shifen, Chief Executive Officer of Yingde Gas, had a meeting with Lu Xiaguang (the Deputy Mayor of Shaoxing City and Secretary of the Shangyu District Party Committee) and the relevant leaders of the Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Economic and Technological Development Area. During the meeting which involved in-depth discussions on park development and plans for supporting gas solutions, the Shangyu district government expressed their high commendations and anticipation for the implementation of the Yingde Gases’ project.

Leveraging its comprehensive service capabilities to support the gas-related needs of national industrial parks, Yingde Gases will build a large-scale gas hub for the park. The project, which is expected to commence operations in two phases (quarter one of 2024 and quarter two of 2025), is set to provide high-quality and low-carbon industrial gases to high-tech enterprises in the park from sectors such as high-end equipment manufacturing, new materials and modern medicine.

According to the agreement, the project will be located in the Hangzhou Bay Shangyu Economic and Technological Development Area. As a national economic and technological development zone, it is home to companies from different industries. The park positions itself as "a global advanced green and intelligent manufacturing platform, fully integrated into the Yangtze River Delta Ecological and Green Integrated Development Demonstration Zone, and a benchmark zone for digital reform”. To this end, it focuses on the development of emerging strategic industries and high-end service industries, building a high-quality platform for enterprises.

This gas hub project spans 52 mu of land (around 8.5 acres) and the total expected investment amount is over RMB 600 million. Yingde Gases has customized and planned the park’s supporting gas facilities involving over 20 kilometers of gas supply pipelines to provide high-quality, stable and reliable gas products such as oxygen and nitrogen to park-based enterprises. Meanwhile, the said facilities are also set to provide over 800 tons of liquefied gas to customers around the area. Meanwhile, Yingde Gases shall leverage the advantages of its diversified product portfolio to provide more high-quality products such as hydrogen and cylinder gas to fully meet the growing demand for industrial gases from enterprises in the area.

Yingde Gases is a large-scale professional gas company committed to global industrial development. To date, it provides gas supply services to over 5,000 enterprises nationwide from industries such as the steel, chemical, coal chemical, electronics, semiconductor, new materials, and new energy industries. With an in-depth understanding of the gas consumption of enterprises across different industries, Yingde Gases provides comprehensive gas supply service capabilities and mature solutions to economic development zones and industrial parks. Over the years, we have built a number of comprehensive gas supply projects to provide safe and reliable high-quality products and services.

Yingde Gases’ CEO Fang Shiwen said: “With the expansion, optimization and upgrading of industrial parks, the integrated planning of industrial parks and centralized construction of large-scale gas hub have become important measures to facilitate the coordinated development of industrial parks. We have built a set of professional, safe, energy-saving and low-carbon intensive gas service system that will effectively reduce the overall energy consumption of the industrial park and help build a green and smart park. This reflects our commitment to achieve win-win development with the enterprises within and surrounding the park in order to build a sustainable future.”
