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Yingde Gases’ Digital System Launched in Southeast Asia

On January 9, 2024, Yingde Gases' digitalization project in Southeast Asia (Yingde On-Growing Asia, referred as YOGA) was officially launched, marking the extension of the company's digitalization strategy to its overseas entities. This is an important milestone for Yingde Gases to deeply cultivate overseas markets and accelerate its globalization development, which will strongly facilitate global business expansion and integration. 

Yingde Gases’ digitalization journey began in 2022. Following ten months preparing for full system migration, Yingde Gases’ A1 Project successfully went online in China. The A1 system was successfully initiated at more than 120 companies, in nine business sectors and ten core end-to-end business processes, successfully creating a highly synergized “business and finance empowered platform”. Under the “LEAP” strategy, Yingde Gases has made groundbreaking progress in overseas markets, and it needs urgently a stable and healthy digital platform to assist in continuing the current business development trajectory. In response to the challenges encountered in the areas of market selection, business development and organizational management, Yingde Gases has implemented the YOGA Project by setting up the digital infrastructure in Southeast Asia and leveraging the knowledge and experience in China, to realize maximum efficiency among entities, further to accelerate the company’s digital transformation and innovation. 

YOGA Project coupled system integration with professional support, bringing the core business processes for financing, sales and purchasing to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand entities. The company has also formed a professional digitalization team that are experienced at the migration of domestic digital systems to overseas facilities. 

Samantha Wong, Yingde Gases CFO and Vice Chairman of Digitalization Committee, expressed: “In keeping with the digital technology development trend, Yingde Gases has adopted a highly efficient digitalization solution to quickly gain insights of local markets, further improve customer experience, and support high-efficiency integration and innovation of business operations. The YOGA Project is Yingde Gases’ pilot program to take our digital systems overseas. It’s an important step in elevating our globalization management standards. The launch of the domestic and overseas digital platform will further improve performance with greater efficiency, thus solidifying our core strengths and supporting us to achieve a further success on the global market development.”
